A Declarative Tarot Deck ~ Learning to Focus From the Inside First
This deck is designed to help you connect deeper, strengthen your relationship between your personal life and your spiritual life. Each card has been carefully and intuitively drawn, and written about in the Companion Book, to guide you to declaring your independence from the chaos and dogma of the world of today. Traditionally, tarot was a teaching tool to gain insight into the mysteries of our purpose and spiritual connection to God, Source and Soul. The Declarative Deck removes the labels, adjusts the narrative, and provides an opportunity to redefine your focus from how the outside world impacts you, towards how you are responding to the outer world. The cards now challenge you to focus on your choice process and how that creates the path you experience.
This deck is not about whether your choices, experiences or connections are good or bad, progressing or not. It is about what is or is not flowing, and shows you how you might have consciously or subconsciously, contributed to what you are experiencing at that moment. What choices did you make that brought you to this life experience? What role does your fears, hopes, wants and people in your life, contribute to your life experience? Why do you feel you are not meeting a purpose? Are you feeling a shift in your spiritual focus or need to liberate yourself from patterns of habits and conditioning? While the deck cannot tell you what to do, it will show you how your choices are participating as a cause that the resulting effects are what you are sensing or feeling. The deck is GPS - a General Pointer of Spirit/Soul guidance.
The path to authenticity or self-declaration is not about gender, color, race or religion. It's not about where you were born, what your family is or is not, or what career or success you are living. The path to self-empowerment through claiming your sovereignty is about declaring your presence through thoughts, feelings, passions and actions. You begin to write you life story instead of letting others write in your life journal. This requires each of us to face the way we see ourselves and own our choices; the cause and effect of our life. It sounds complicated but it really simplifies the deck and makes it a more fun and invigorating way to see yourself as a work in progress.
Are you ready to get started?
Then by all means, take a breath, pull your wellies or boots on, roll up those sleeves and give the deck a whirl!
Online Store - Most Current Option
ILLUSTRATED PAPER DECK - A Paper Deck for Personalization We currently offer the Declarative Tarot deck as a unique tarot deck designed for personalizing through artfully coloring each card. This is a way to use the colors you feel speak to you and set the tone from which you read your life experience through using the tarot to learn about yourself. This is printed on 130# cardstock and non-laminated in large format (4x6 inch).
WHITE PAGES - Each deck automatically will have a basic folded page, a type of cliff-notes to get you started. It includes a correspondence list to match this deck to the traditional decks (i.e. Rider Waite, Thoth, etc.) and key words to inspire connection! A Complimentary Spread (a favorite of students and colleagues) is offered: Light & Shadow, designed to help you see how your intuition and spiritual communication flowing.
COMPANION BOOK - The Companion Book is 162 pages, printed on 28# paper, 8.5" x 8.5" square book with a black spiral binding and protective vinyl cover to allow you to easily open your book and keep it flat while coloring, reading, and practicing your readings. The book covers each card and includes an image of the card to also color. Inside you will find a list of all the images from around the world, with a Wiki-link for reference. The Light & Shadow spread is also included to practice and includes an example.
This deck uses the tarot system but, has been adjusted to move tarot into the next phase of what it means to be divinely human. Readers of the standard tarot deck and the tarot system, will be able to recognize each card, suit, and arcana in this deck. To begin, we suggest is to lay them all out and visually connect. Or take your current deck and match the cards to compare and gain insight and see how the deck works. Or you can let the deck speak on its own.